Welcome to TheTalbots.info

This is a website for Jamie and Molly Talbot.

We just wanted to have a place to put things online if we felt the need. Like directions to our apartment, information about a party or gathering, or pictures. Well, mostly it's pictures.

Areas of Interest

Older Kids Stuff
  • The original separate kids pages:
  • The original pre-birth pages:
Other Pictures

Crass Commercialism

If you use the little search box below, Amazon.com will pay us a cut of whatever you buy (they don't charge you extra, we promise). So if you're looking to buy something anyway, do us a favor and start your search here, ok?

In Association with Amazon.com

That is all.

You are visitor number . Pretty impressive, eh?
Privacy Policy | Terms of Use

We have no affiliation with Talbots clothing or any other "Talbot" or "Talbots" company, organization or any other thing out there.
So back off, ok?.

The Incredible Changing Content Column

What's new (January 20, 2008):

  • A HUGE (and long overdue) update today, with 89 (!!) pics of the kids, broken into four parts! Start here.

Soon to come (really):

  • Trapeze school!
  • New Years Eve, 2007-2008
  • A rant

Since our last update, congratulations to:

  • Sean, for returning safely from a 90-day tour in Afghanistan with the FBI!
  • Erin and Sean, on the birth of their son, Finnegan!
  • Jo and Scott on the birth of their daughter, Olive!
  • Mike and Anna on the the birth of their son, Sam!
  • Mike and Shannon on the birth of their son, Brendan!
  • Tom and Susannah on the birth of their son, Brady!
  • Acadia and Mike on the birth of their son, Gus!
  • James and Tali on the birth of their son, Gilad!
  • Molly and Michael on the birth of their son, Daniel!
  • Chris and Naomi on the birth of their son, Takaya!

I think that's all the major congratulations out there right now. If we forgot you, please don't take it personally. A lot happens in a year.

By the way -- way to go Olive on being the only girl of the latest crop. We're pulling for you, kiddo!

You may be wondering what happened to Hadley's Flickr page. It's going to have to get restarted later. Hadley broke the first camera (it was even more cheaply made than we thought), so we're going to wait a bit longer before bringing out another one.

For those of you who are interested, we are both now on Facebook. Look us up!

I don't really have the energy to throw up links right now, but I'll get to that soon, I hope!

The Incredible Changing Content Column Archive.