Pictures from Saquish

Pictures of our weekend in Saquish, Massachusetts at chez Conathan! September 28-30, 2001.

Where is all of this? Why, it's here.

People in attendance:

Tim's pictures (if you want to see them bigger, click on the "I want to be big!" link at the bottom of the page. The bigger images are highly recommended as wallpaper for your desktops):

Jamie's pictures (sorry, no supersize version least not yet):

Jamie's pictures with the super duper double wide disposable camera:

Thanks to Mike for the proper names for everything.

Ok, I think I fixed the hosting problem. If any of you get one of those annoying messages saying the site's exceeded its allocation, let me know.

Back home.

Because I am a lawyer, I will point out that Tim's photos are copyright (c) 2001 by Tim Delaune, and that my photos are copyright (c) 2001 by James Talbot. All rights reserved.