
November 2004-April 2005

May 4, 2005

Hayes' birth and Jamie's paternity leave have finally given us an opportunity to update the Hadley page. We have a fresh crop of pictures to share, and we hope you enjoy them.

In February, we spent the weekend in Connecticut, where we met with old friends the Solfrians, the Spaeders and the O'Connell. Aaron plays a mean guitar, and Hadley took the opportunity to dance!

In March, we celebrated Hadley's second birthday, with parties both in Florida and back home in Brooklyn. First, Florida:

That second picture was Jamie's desktop image for a while.

Back in Brooklyn, we had a another party at our apartment with all of Hadley's friends.

The gang. Future troublemakers, all.

Part of the fun was letting each kid decorate their own birthday cupcake (made in an ice cream cone). Hadley was more interested in decorating than in actually eating her cupcake.

As you may remember from last year, every birthday we put Hadley into a particular blue sweater and take a picture. For comparison, here is last year's picture:

Quite a difference!

Meanwhile, back in Florida:

Hadley had what we thought was her first ice cream cone, but since she seemed to know exactly what to do with it, we wonder if she wasn't sneaking them in the past.

She really enjoyed the pool. Ignore the pasty guy.

And again, back in Brooklyn:

Hadley has graduated to her very own big girl bed!

So we celebrated with a fudgcicle!

This next one deserves a story. Molly had just given Hadley a bath and, like we always do these days, she put the towel over her head and said "Ok, go back to your room so we can get dressed!"

At that point, Hadley usually trots down the hall and waits for Jamie or Molly to show up to get her dressed.

This time, Hadley ran out of the room and down the hall. But when Molly went into Hadley's room a few moments later....no Hadley. Suddenly, she heard a giggle from the kitchen, so she walked out and found....

Next up, Easter! For Easter Sunday, we combined the Talbot and Goggins family traditions. Following Talbot family traditions, Hadley woke to find an Easter basket at the end of her bed. Following Goggins family tradition, we hid plastic Easter eggs in the living room.

She had a great time looking around for the eggs, and found each one with only minimal help from us.

This last picture was taken just a few days before Hayes was born. Hadley and Molly were playing at Hadley pulling her shirt over Molly's head.

January 30, 2005

Yes, we know.

It's been an inexcusably long time since our last update.

We're sorry about that. We really are.

We've missed some big events over the past 3 months, so we'll try to recap as best we can:

We also had some not-so-great times, just recently. We'll tell the story below, but suffice to say that Hadley got very sick for a few days and we all were very sad about it (Molly and Jamie out of pity and lack of sleep, Hadley out of just being sick).

But we'll explain as we go along, so let's get to some pictures!

Hadley has learned "Shhhh..." That should help when Gladys is born!

Here she is sitting in our newly-recovered chair! Those of you who went to high school or college with Jamie, or who saw his apartment in law school may remember this as the very beat up striped chair that he had all that time. Well, as an early Christmas present from Pops and Lulie, we got it fixed up! (Thanks!)

Speaking of Pops and Lulie, this year marked a big anniversary for them (40 years!), so everyone went out to Katonah to celebrate. As it happens, their anniversary falls just after Thanksgiving, so we had a Talbot family Thanksgiving for the first time in years! At any rate, this is Hadley and her cousins Mills and Ellery on the stairs at Pops and Lulie's house.

And here are the proud grandparents with their grandkids on Thanksgiving!

I really like this picture. Lulie and Hadley!

This picure illustrates two points. The first is that Hadley has teeth. The second is that ketchup has now become a part of many of Hadley's meals. She just can't get enough of it!

Hadley was in Northampton at Pops and Dinny's house for the first snowfall of the season back in December. Of course, she tried to catch it on her tongue.

As we headed into the Christmas season, Hadley got a chance to do all sorts of fun things, like see Santa...

...and make cookies!

When Christmas finally arrived, Hadley was thrilled to open her presents. She was great all day. She was very patient while we opened our presents, and gave a big "whoa!" or "oooooo" each time she opened up something for herself.

This is one of her favorite new toys. (One of Jamie's favorites, too)

For the day before New Years Eve, we all went to New Jersey to see Andrew and Neelam Sell and their little boy Akash. Hadley and Akash had a great time together, and Hadley fell in love with Akash's egg.

And then Hadley got sick....

It started with a high fever, which we discovered was from an ear infection. She was very tired and very unhappy. This picture is notable for two reasons. First, Hadley never sucks her thumb. Second, Hadley never spaces out on the sofa watching movies.

Once we diagnosed the ear infection, we gave her antibiotics and the fever started to go away....

Unfortunately, it seems Hadley was allergic to the antibiotics. She started to develop a rash.

Within a few days, it was all over her arms and legs. She itched terribly and was unable to sleep. We tried various drugs to soothe the itch and get her to sleep, but for days we had no luck (and no sleep).

She did enjoy the big blizzard, even though we did not get to go outside to play in it. (This picture is from the same day as the rash picture above)

Finally, we found something that got her to sleep through the night, and a few days later the rash was all but gone!

Now, thankfully, she is perfectly healthy again! And, she has her own egg to play in!


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